Monday, September 30, 2013

let's get it on

I'm Colette.
I'm a wild haired busty, mouthy, sweet, fun escort made in Atlanta, played in France, cooked in Louisiana, polished like silver, and ready to start my career.
my trajectory is infinite because my spirit is hopeful and my beginners luck was grand, in that I met a great mentor straight out of the gate.
A journalism major [I'm learning that's a bit typical for girls in this lifestyle] naturally I'm blogging my escapades [discreetly of course].

don't worry, clients will not be mentioned by name or physical description, any stories about them will not be posted on or near actual dates of meeting or with any specific location details. 

This blog is for me [and for you] to learn a little about my experiences as an escort in training [the only way to learn in this business is by doing] 

I'll share some of the good advice passed to me by my teacher [but not all of it, she deserves secrets so she can write a book]

mostly, hopefully, it'll be fun anecdotes, stories about the road, and a heavy dose of my feelings/observations.
I hope you get into it.

I'm a weirdo. You're in for a ride.

[and if you're really into getting a great ride, check out my site for booking info ;)]